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Five Methods for Teens to Prevent Ocean Acidification

Scientists have found that the ocean becomes more acidic as its water absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Ocean acidification is when ocean water changes due to an increase in carbon dioxide levels, which can be damaging for certain species of marine life. Ocean acidification impacts coral in particular because it slows the speed at which coral reefs develop calcium carbonate, which they use to form their skeletons. Interactions between coral and fish are essential to the foundation of the ecosystem and could perhaps disrupt the entire marine food web if brought to an end. Below are five simple methods to combat ocean acidification that every individual can integrate into their daily lives:

  • Conserve Electricity

Producing electricity results in significant emissions of carbon dioxide. Fortunately, there are a myriad of ways every person can cut down on their electricity usage. To be environmentally friendly, you should look to purchase compact fluorescent lights instead of incandescent bulbs, as fluorescent is far more energy efficient. You can also take shorter showers, turn off unnecessary lights, and unplug electronics that are not in use.

  • Volunteer to Clean Beaches

Polyethylene, the most commonly produced plastic, emits carbon dioxide, leading plastic pollution to generate severe ocean acidification. Environmental groups are constantly organizing beach cleanups to clear plastic from these areas. By volunteering, you can play an active role in preventing waste from entering the ocean and protecting the environment.

  • Use Reusable Containers

Reusable containers are of fundamental importance to the environment. They allow for people to stop consuming plastic polyethylene products that produce carbon dioxide and lead to ocean acidification. Reusable water bottles, drinking straws, and hand towels all help combat harm to our oceans.

  • Use Your Voice

Teenagers are far too often underestimated for their ability to enact widespread change. By using your voice, you can inform others of the severity of ocean acidification and other environmental issues. If you are too young to vote, sharing information with others is a method to ensure that citizens and politicians alike care about the environment. Using your voice is imperative if you hope to prevent the spread of further damage to the ocean.

  • Educate Yourself

It is crucial— for the sake of animals, the ocean, and the world— that all people understand how their actions affect the environment. Real change will not occur until informed citizens arm themselves with the knowledge necessary to generate effective solutions. For more information on ocean acidification and solutions toward stopping its progression, visit the Ocean Acidification Project today.

Do you have any other tips on how teens can prevent ocean acidification? Email us at


About the Author:

Kaitlyn Donato is a high school student from Winchester, MA. In her sophomore year, Kaitlyn recognized that there were too few magazines focused on writing for and by young women and created The Alcott Youth Magazine. With the magazine, she hopes to publish inspirational writing for all young people to enjoy.

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