The Dust
I will shut my eyes
feel my sockets push upward
trying to peer up into the brain
or down the depths of my throat.
I will open my eyes.
In those first seconds
black dust shrouds what is before me.
It will swim to my peripheral vision
and quietly reach its dwelling
in the tall savannah grasslands
of my vast, carpeted cerebrum
as I futilely blink
to will the static away.
The hyenas, the badgers
who eat away at my being
chase each other
down the freckled paths of my nerve-endings.
Parallel lines traversing dark landscapes.
The dust transcends my body,
consumes my soul.
About the Author:
Allison Lee is a high school junior from San Diego, California. She is passionate about writing as well as the environment. Outside of school she does fencing and art. She loves music, shopping, and reading.